Chapter 7 – Underpainting

Here are some videos that show the underpainting technique in the early part of the videos. Yes, they mostly are being underpainted with oil paints and it is a different technique to underpainting with acrylics. The finished underpainting has the same end result though and it is the end result that is important.

When using Oils, the burnt umber underpaint is applied in various thicknesses and can be thinned out and even rubbed away to produce lighter areas.

When using acrylics, layers of thinned acrylic paint are added to build depth.

This video by Marion Dutton shows how she uses Burnt Umber acrylic paint to underpaint with acrylics. She underpaints with layers of Burnt Umber until 2.35 minutes, then lightens with Titanium White before she starts full colour.

Another video on Burnt Umber, multi-layer underpainting

And yet another underpainting demo

And another underpainting video