Painting By Numbers Books

Image of Russell Collins, the originator of Painting by Numbers Books

I’m Russell, and I am the originator of “Painting by Numbers Books”. I’m a semi-serious amateur artist who is a CRI (Certified Bob Ross Instructor) who does Bob Ross painting days in Milton Keynes, UK where I live. I also run Paint and Sip events once a week in local pubs and restaurants as Paint Night Party.

The Paint Your Pet by Numbers packs are available NOW, as is the Paint Your Pet by Numbers eBook.

I’ve been looking at the old favourite of Painting by Numbers sets and packs to see what is out there. I found there are plenty of Paint by Numbers products available, whether bought in a shop or on-line. There wasn’t though, much in the way of technique instruction as there is of other styles of painting. If you do a web search or a YouTube search you will find MILLIONS of instructional videos of more traditional art techniques, but little in the way of Paint by Numbers instruction materials. THIS NOW WILL END.

The purpose of Painting By Numbers Books is to fill the gap in the artistic instructional spectrum regarding Painting by Numbers techniques. I will start by producing a Paint Your Pet by Numbers pack. You send me an image of your pet and I will convert it into a Paint by Numbers image. I will incorporate it into your pack and send it back to you. Part of that pack will be the Paint Your Pet by Numbers eBook.

The eBook will be free, and will show you how to get the most out of your Painting By Numbers project, whether of your pet, or something you have bought. You will be able to download multiple files that you can use to practice with, and help improve your Paint by Numbers skills.

This is a start-up website and will be updated over time. It really is a Work in Progress.

By russell

I'm a Civil Engineer by training and profession, but have had a few varied careers in my life including Army Commando, Events Manager and artist. I started this website to get people to look at Painting By Numbers projects in different ways. No more blocky artwork where paint has just been added to numbered areas and left there. What this site will show you is that the Painting By Numbers canvas is just the start. Apply the paint, apply imagination and watch your true masterpiece emerge

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